Sunday, February 24, 2013

From Knowledge to Knowledge –able

From Knowledge to Knowledge –able
by Michael Wesch

Michael Wesch used the World on fire environment metaphor (The little bird that saved the world and all hope is not lost) I quote. Using this in order for “us” the audience to understand how the media and the tools we have today can be used in a positive an in a productive way not just a form of entertainment. It was interesting how he described his students and explained how the media affected them in class not in a good way somehow; he said many of today’s young population are still seeking for the “meaning of life and recognition”. Wesch points out how media is mainly commercial and the young are the main target.  “Media is not just tools or means of communications. Media changes the way we communicate”. He gave the TV example and how it is a one way communication but now that we have all these tools (Technology); media can be used in a positive way. Demonstrating that global conversations can be made and how easily it can be spread.
 Media can be distracting in many ways, he mentioned how many of the students in his class were affected and that they were not knowledge-able. Wesch decided to ask his students the following question “What does it feel to be a student today”, some the answers were:  classes are too big, some teachers don’t even know their student names, “I’m browsing the internet checking Facebook etc. Ultimately explaining that is hard to connect with people.

He teaches his students to be knowledge able meaning learning how to:
  • Connect
  • Organize                                                                                  
  • Share
  • Collect
  • Collaborate
  • Publish all together
 For many students like me who just came back to school after a while it is a different experience I came to RIC in 2004 and finish almost 2 years and I just came last year as a part time student to finish my degree and I definitely see the difference from almost 10 years ago. I have to say that the technology incorporated in some of the classes freaks me out a little bit not because I’m not capable but the fact that I have to learn to adjust to a different kind of learning environment  from what I was used to.  The new generation of College students have more tools when it comes to learning and Wesch wants us to understand that Technology is not just great way of communication and accessibility but we have to learn how to use it to make a positive impact in our world and be Knowledge-able.

Knowledge –ability is practice”.


  1. I think you summed up Wesch's points very well. I agree that it is probably easier for students now to incorporate technology into their learning style because they're used to it. Technology is everywhere now so I don't think students today would even think twice about using it for school. I think it's good when teachers do try to incorporate technology, but a lot of students do have to learn it and feel comfortable with it first before they can use it as a helpful tool.

  2. I agree with Sarah, technology isn't going anywhere. It is only getting more complex. It is second nature for most kids growing up now so it is a heck of a lot easier for them to use the technology than it is for any other generation. But I do feel as though having the technology in the classrooms at RIC is really helpful in order to reinforce the subject matter being taught.

  3. I AGREE COMPLETELY with Noelle and Sarah!!

  4. I can't fathom what is going to happen in future generations with technology getting incorporated into higher education. If you think about Ivy league schools like Harvard or Brown, the students there have such a rigorous, memorization-based curriculum and that is what makes the schools so "top-notch". So how are we supposed to make all of these stressful changes to the system when traditional, older generations have made their living on a completely different way of learning? We're doomed.

  5. Linette- you have tackled the media in this class with grace even when it has been difficult. I understand-new technology can scare me too.
    Keep posting! (and all in one blog too!)
